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Programs : Brochure

This page is the brochure for your selected program. You can view the provided information for this program on this page and click on the available buttons for additional options.
Fact Sheet:
Fact Sheet:
Subjects Available: Biology, Business, Geography, Marine Studies, Marketing, Natural Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics), Oceanography, Service Learning, Spanish, Sustainability Minimum Class Standing: Sophomore
Minimum GPA: 2.8 Program Open to Visiting Students: Yes!
Credit Load: 12-16 per semester Exchange Program: Yes!
Faculty-Led: No Research Opportunity: Yes!
Internship Opportunity: Service Learning or other volunteer opportunities are available Volunteer Opportunity: Yes!
Language of Instruction: English Language Requirement: No
Partner University: University San Francisco de Quito Program Advisor: Curry, Mark
Program Description:
San Cristóbal is the fifth largest and easternmost island of the Galapagos. It is comprised of three or four fused volcanoes, all extinct. San Cristóbal is the island with perfect harmony and balance of life, and very unhurried. Located on the island of San Cristobal, the USFQ Galapagos campus offers international students the opportunity to study in one of the most pristine natural laboratories in the world.

Speak with an Advisor


Academic Program

The Galapagos semester program offers four academic tracks in the biological and social sciences, all taught in English. Each track consists of five intensive 3-credit courses taught in 2-week modules. Students start the program in Cumbayá at the USFQ main campus, and then spend the 3 modules of the semester on San Cristóbal Island, Galapagos, and finally return to the mainland for the final module. You can see an example of the Galapagos schedule HERE.

Please note courses are subject to change. You can take up to two courses from different tracks, assuming you meet any necessary prerequisites and spaces are available (see Academic Tracks). You have to take a required Spanish conversation class (1 credit) at the beginner, intermediate or advanced levels at the beginning of the program. Volunteer placements (non-credit) in San Cristóbal are also available to interested students.
For more information on the program, you are welcome to explore the USFQ Galapagos program page, as well as their brochure.

Course Descriptions and Syllabi

The Galapagos semester program offers four academic tracks in the biological and social sciences, all taught in English. You can see the course offerings HERE.
The Marine Ecology track combines course and fieldwork studying marine conservation and the social aspects of marine management.
Students in the Evolution, Ecology and Conserva­tion track examine and study Ecuador's diverse ecosystems.
One Health dives into health systems, diseases, animal health, and microbiology and labs. 
The sustainable resilience track addresses the impor­tance of sustainability and the impact on the econo­my, the environment and society, as well as the global community.

Review USFQ’s website for more information regarding the program.
To review the course offerings, please contact this program's advisor (located in the tab labeled 'Contact') for assistance.

General Education Information for UAlbany Students

Credits earned on this program will automatically satisfy the International Perspectives requirement. Three credits of foreign language study will satisfy the Foreign Language requirement. No additional approval is required for you to earn these general elective credits.

Major/Minor Information for UAlbany Students

Courses may also satisfy major and minor requirements, upon approval by the department.


All courses taken abroad count towards UAlbany General Elective credits. You may file a request to have additional courses approved for equivalency as necessary. Credits and grades will appear on your UAlbany transcript. There is no credit or grade conversion for this program; USFQ credits and letter grades are equal to SUNY credits and letter grades except that SUNY uses an 'E' to denote a failing grade rather than an 'F.' 



You will stay with carefully screened host families in Cumbayá (Quito) and in San Cristobal Island. During overnight excursions students stay in hostels or hotels. You can watch this video for more information on USFQ homestays.


As part of the host family stay, you will be provided breakfast and dinner. Lunch will be on your own. What better way to experience Ecuador than eating their food?


Estimate of Costs

Ecuador USFQ-Galapagos EXCHANGE

More Information

Click for more information on Program Costs and Financial Aid.
Remember to speak with the Office of Financial Aid at your home campus to determine how your aid package could apply towards your program abroad.


Academic Requirements

Minimum Sophomore standing; Minimum 3.0 GPA. You must have taken at least one college level general biology or ecology course.
For students in the Evolution, Ecology, and Conservation track and Sustainability and Resilience track: Students must have taken at least one (1) biology or ecology course with a minimum grade of B-.
For students in the One Health track: Students must have taken at least two (2) biology and/or ecology courses, and one (1) laboratory course. These courses must have a minimum grade of B-.
For students in the Marine Ecology Track: Students must have taken at least two (2) biology and/or ecology courses with minimum grades of B-. Additionally, Marine Ecology students must obtain open water diving certification and DAN diving insurance before the start of the program (academic dives included in the program). If you do not meet these requirements, snorkeling will be substituted for the the classes that include diving.
Marine Ecology students please note: DAN diving insurance will not be included in your mandatory SUNY Health Insurance policy.
All students must have yellow fever vaccine regardless of the track they choose.


Experiential Learning

You will visit USFQ's Tiputini Biodiversity Station in the Amazon, the Ecuadorian highlands, a cloud forest, and the coast. In the Galapagos, you will visit various sites as part of your course­work. Note: All students are required to receive a yellow fever vaccine to participate. 
In addition to the courses offered in the Galapagos Semester Program, you have the option of participating in service learning projects. You can select one of USFQ’s partner NGOs or community development agencies to do service learning. If you participate in learning service projects, you will also take the 3 credit course: Organization, Development, Environment volunteer.

Student Clubs and Organizations

USFQ offers a number of student clubs in a variety of interest areas including theater, tango, salsa, chess, ecology, cycling and many others! If you cannot find what interest you, you can always start a new club!

Global Dragons: As an International student at USFQ, you have the option of becoming involved in the Global Dragons program. This opportunity allows you to become connected to USFQ degree-seeking students to gain an introduction to USFQ, meet local friends, and share in Ecuadorian customs and social events.


Funding Opportunities

Most financial aid and academic awards will apply to semester programs.
External scholarships, listed on our website, are a good way to partially fund your study abroad experience. In addition, the Center for International Education and Global Strategy offers two scholarship programs for UAlbany students studying abroad on UAlbany or 4-year SUNY programs.
More information on applying to these scholarships is located on the Scholarships web page.


About the City

With a rich pre-Colombian history, Ecuador's capital was founded on the ruins of an Incan city but offers everything a modern traveler might need. Quito is a capital city in the Andes squeezed between mountain peaks. Quito is home to one of the largest, least-altered and best preserved historic centers in Latin America. Quito’s formal name is Francisco de Quito due to its Spanish and Incan origin. Quito is also the 2nd most populated city in Ecuador so if you are interested in meeting a whole bunch of people and students, you should go here!

The campus of Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Galapagos (which includes the local programs, GAIAS, and the GSC) is located in the island of San Cristobal, the capital of the Galapagos, in the city of Puerto Baquerizo Moreno, which has a population of approximately 6,000 people, most of whom make their living principally of artisanal (small scale) fishing and tourism. In San Cristobal, water temperature averages 22-23 Cª / 71-73 Fº, although it can range from 19Cº - 26 Cº / 66Fº - 78 Fº. Other islands (such as Española) have lower water temperatures depending on the time of year.

On San Cristobal, students are surrounded by some of the most unique wildlife species on the planet. On this island alone, they will have the opportunity to observe Chatham Mockingbirds, Blue Footed Boobies, Masked Boobies, Frigate birds, Pintail Ducks, Gallinules, Pelicans, Giant Tortoises, Sea Tortoises, Crabs, Sea Lions, and various other sea and land birds, including some species of the famous Darwin finches.
Nature PBS created a documentary about the Tiputini Biodiversity Station, located in the Yasuní Biosphere, one of the most biodiverse places on earth. Click here to view the documentary. 

Travel Documents

A valid passport is required to participate in this program. As your program is longer than 90 days, you will likely apply for a VISA which will take a few weeks to process and will have an extra cost. More information regarding the visa application process is available upon acceptance to the program.


Application Availability

Applications become available online one semester before the program start date, based on the following timeline:
  • Spring program: July
  • Fall program: December

Program Dates

Academic Year 2024-2025
08/9/2024 to 05/10/2025

Fall 2024

08/09/2024 to 12/07/2024

Spring 2025

01/10/2025 to 05/10/2025

Here is an example of the Spring 2025 Academic Calendar: 

Dates: January 13 - May 10, 2025
Application deadline: September 25, 2024 *subject to change

  • January 6 and January 7 -- Online Orientations (subject to change)
  • January 10 -- Arrival Date
  • January 13 -- Galapagos Semester Program Orientation / Campus tour / SIM cards distributed for phones
  • January 13 to January 17 -- Spanish class (2pm-5pm)
  • January 15 -- Tiputini Orientation (subject to change)
  • January 16 -- Quito City Tour
  • January 17 -- International Students Orientation (subject to change)
  • January 20 -- Module 1 starts
  • February 10 -- Module 2 starts
  • March 2 -- Students travel to Galapagos (subject to change)
  • March 3 -- Module starts
  • March 24 to March 28 -- Mid-semester break
  • March 31 -- Module 4 starts
  • April 21 -- Module 5 starts
  • May 9 -- Last day of classes
  • May 9 -- All students travel to Quito
  • May 10 -- End of Program / Farewell Lunch / Recommended departure date

About the Program

La Universidad de San Francisco USFQ is considered the best University of Ecuador. Each year, USFQ campuses vibrate with 8,393 undergraduate and graduate students from more than 80 nationalities and countries (including 500 indigenous students and 1,000 international students), 967 teachers and staff, and 10 colleges and academic schools.
Founded in 1988, USFQ is an Ecuadorian University of Liberal Arts, Private and Non-Profit. USFQ seek excellence both in the academy and in research and creativity. USFQ’s success is due to the support of a team of highly qualified and committed teachers, researchers and staff, a broad and rigorous curriculum, and the development of adequate resources and facilities.

Program Orientations

Upon acceptance to the program, you will be required to attend a mandatory pre-departure orientation. During this time, you will have the opportunity to meet other program participants, discuss in-depth the details of your program, and prepare of the overall education abroad experience. The fall semester pre-departure orientation will be conducted in late April/early May, and in late November/early December for the spring term abroad.
Upon arrival at USFQ, you will attend a mandatory program orientation. This is an important and informative set of sessions organized by International Office of your host university.

Support Services

UAlbany’s Office of Education Abroad staff assists you during the application process, in your preparation to travel abroad, and on-site if necessary.
USFQ's International Office staff serve as an experienced resource for resolving issues that you may encounter in while abroad.

Dates / Deadlines:
Dates / Deadlines:
Term Year App Deadline Decision Date Start Date End Date
Spring 2025 09/20/2024 09/23/2024 01/10/2025 05/10/2025